UK Black, POC and Allied Sewing Spaces

One unexpected outcome of the recent swell of support for the Black Lives Matter Movement is this amazing vendor list curated by Jacinta Green. Check out the Shut up and Sew Vendor List, for an impressive collection of Black, POC and Allied businesses across the world. Being from the UK I wanted to curate a list of all the local businesses Jacinta has listed in a way I can go back to time and again. The fight is far from over for more ways to help go to Back Lives Matters. If you want to know more about how I am personally taking responsibility for the damage my privilege can cause, take a look at my sister blog, Today I Wrote. All links will open in a new tab, I will try to keep this as uptodate as possible but for the most current, black, poc and allied businesses list please go to the original list. Hope you find it useful.